My Book

I have always wanted to write a book. I have never thought myself the next great American novelist by any stretch, but I do think I could write something that someone would enjoy reading. My problems have always been lack of commitment, lack of time, and lack of ideas. A few months ago I started kicking around an idea for a book that I thought was pretty good. I then changed professions and lack of time has become less of an obstacle. Commitment, that is the biggie. That is why I started ‘Write Every Day’. I have now become kind of bored with these one shot stories that I have been writing and have decided to start working on my book. I will outline my plot first and then just start writing until it all comes together or it all becomes a huge jumbled mess. I have the first two paragraphs that I will share with you now. Any feedback and/ or criticisms are welcome.
I don’t have a name for the book or a whole plotted out idea yet, but that is what W.E.D is going to become. I will commit an non-zero number of minutes every day to write something that has to do with my book. I will keep you updated as my progress continues. The idea is that I will put finished (and not so finished) chapters up on my blog for people to read and critique. We will see how far this goes.
Here is the first thing I wrote for my future novel. I hope you enjoy.

There was a time when magic was just something performed at a child’s birthday party. Tricks, illusions, and slight of hand that no one really believed in. That all changed during the great revelation. We have been through many civil revolutions during humanities short time on this earth, but nothing like this.
Magic resides in us all, it is an inherent ability that every person is born with. This I think was the hardest truth to accept. That no matter how much you hated magic or those that used it there was always a chance, however small, that you were one of them.

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